Tuesday, 27 May 2014

What's our family vision...

Back in the day....1977 to be exact....who would have thought that this boy i met would be the man of my dreams.....we were high school sweethearts who fell in love....from the very beginning we were different, but different enough and strong together to picture what our future can look like.  We had dreams and a vision for a life together, family, and a path for success.

We dated for 6 years and during this time we knew we wanted to get married and we also knew that with lots of hard work, we were going to plan for that....start a family and start a life together.   We were very young, but as most of you will agree, it's about what you believe , what gets you excited and what you truly want to accomplish that will make it that much easier to achieve.  We had no money, but we were ambitious. We knew that we were capable of being successful, we both had the drive, energy and enthusiasm to explore and make things happen for us and that is exactly what we did.

We tied the knot in 1983.  By the following year, I started working at federal express.

Our first step was underway, we were clear about what we wanted, we even talked about retirement, really we did, we were big fans of RRSP's !  Together, we had a positive energy and ready to build future success. We both knew what we wanted to do and also knew it was not going to be easy. We were both equal partners. I always wanted to work and did so all through the years raising our family. There was no right or wrong in our family vision. There were times we had to compromise, but we always had a picture of our future, which kept us on track. That included both of us working, starting a family, and being active parents in the lives of our children.  As an only child, I always wanted to have a house full of children. What my mother did not tell me then was how much work was involved ! lol     Bringing our vision to life was probably the hardest and most rewarding part. Looking back now gives me a sense of pride.  We were young, both started working, not long after had our first son in 1985, second son in 1988 and our third son in 1995. We bought our first home in 1987.  What I remember during this time is that I went from being single, to getting married, and becoming a parent all within 10 years - my life had changed forever.....a change that I welcomed of course and learned every single day.  This was all very new to me, no idea of what would be involved. What i realized very quickly is that I enjoyed this part of my life and even with all it's challenges, changes and sacrifices,  I would not change it for the world.

June 1983 Newlyweds

1977 Baron Byng High School


  1. Bravo on #2…. keep em coming!! Love the pics!

  2. Thank you Paula ! very excited to blog...
