Thursday, 29 May 2014

Make time for things that matter...,

I could probably write about a million and one things that matter, and all in time....i will ! As you can see - there is nothing wrong with having goals...mine is to blog daily.  Before I get into this post - just wanted to share with you, and you probably know this already - we all learn from each other and most often, we will be intrigued by someone close to us.  I can say that I have many times over.

"Make time for things that matter" said Phil, my eldest last year when Pink in the City was invited to speak to students, parents and staff at Laval Liberty High School and present an award.  Hearing this from him was really I am, the parent hearing this from my son.....I must have done something right ! All joking aside though, how true, none of us has time to spare, our days fill up quickly with all that we need to do. Phil was sharing with everyone that he certainly did not have any time as a medical student, and if he can give countless hours to volunteer as a paramedic in Cote-St.Luc, imagine what we all can do.

The take away for me from his inspiring speech to all the students that day was when he said "one day you can be like 11 year old Lawrence and start your own Pink in the City "  Wow, how true, anyone can do that as long as you want it and the beauty of it is that it can be's not something we just talk about, it is not fiction, it is grass roots success story right in our neighbourhood.  That's an entire other blog...

Pink in City (PITC) is a family run non profit and you can find it on Facebook. It has evolved in the last 8 years into a success story I am so very proud of.  This past year, I had the honour to work with an amazing committee, who contributed countless hours, time, talent and unconditional love to make PITC a great success.  This team raised 60,000$ to benefit the cedars breast clinic.  Last night, we all got together from PITC before the summer.  As I looked around the room, all these volunteers had made a commitment....they made the time for things that matter !  My family and I have to be the luckiest to be working with such dedicated individuals.  Success does not come easy, all I can say, is we have a powerhouse full of passionate individuals who are ready to take PITC to the next level....I cannot wait to start working on PITC stuff again with everyone in the fall ( although, we all really have not stopped working on any stuff - it is just continuous ).  The other observation in this room last night was the energy and it possible that we can get so excited to do more, and let's remember...we do not get paid for this, all volunteer time.  The answer was easy to see...yes...this was grassroots efforts in our community at its best.  They count on organizations like PITC to fund medical equipment and areas of need - so if any time has been important - this has been a really important time for the private sector to really step up , with volunteers and the community to work together to make a difference in the lives of breast cancer patients.  Thank goodness for the amazing support from our volunteers, our supporters and sponsors that without them, Pink in the City would not be possible.  Stay connected with us and help us colour our city Pink !

Phil giving his speech at LLHS May 2013

PITC organizing committee Spring Charity Ball 2014

PITC at Cedars breast clinic - donated 60,000$

Lawrence, Phil and Steven opening speech at Spring Charity Ball 2014

Many family and friends around us are threatened by cancer in every community, every single day...we can save lives, raise awareness and make time for things that matter. Together we can make a meaningful difference in the fight against cancer.  So the next time you think you can't, think about 11 year old Lawrence and how he got an entire community on board ! check us out and follow us on Facebook Pink in the City.

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