Monday, 26 May 2014

Welcome to my first blog ! Meet Mom !

Wow....finally, I can now say...check - off my to do list ! starting a blog has been something I have wanted to do for a while now.

Welcome to my first blog of many to come. My blogs  will be focused on my personal experiences on  work/life balance, raising boys, marriage, career, success, mentors, parenting at its best and creating a life that you enjoy.....the list is endless.   It's all about loving what you do and do what you love !  Women working and balancing both career and family is not an easy task, but you can and do it successfully.  We all can learn from each other and sharing our experiences and stories is one way to inspire others.

Through my blog, I am also hoping you will find something to take away that is interesting, adds value and will bring you personal growth.  Married for 31 years, raising a family, managing a career and keeping the romance alive is something that I can say wholeheartedly that I am very proud of. It's not something I aspire to do -  it is something I have done successfully !  Everyone has a story and I am hoping that my story will inspire you to look for the sparkle and be the woman of influence you are so capable of being.

So, I would like to leave you with these questions, ask yourself - Do you love what you do ? What makes you feel great ? Are you passionate ?  What makes you unique ? Are you living your life?

Sharing with you this photo I just love - every photo has a story behind it.
A few years ago, like every mom I am sure out there, wants to take a nice photo of the family.
So, in our busy and crazy lives, in the month of december, I booked an appointment for all of us  to meet and do a photo shoot.  Well, it sounds easy, but anyone that has a family and tries to coordinate everyone's schedules knows how hard it is to make it happen. So, after numerous efforts with everyone, we finally all agreed to a date and location that was going to work for all of us and a location that would allow our dogs to participate in our photo shoot.  Let's just say, the day of the photo shoot there was a snowstorm, everyone was running late, some had to study, others were working and life happens ! Never a good time to take out time for a photo shoot. Everyone was not happy with Mom that this photo shoot was taking place. I must admit though, after all said and done, we had a really great time during the photo shoot - it was fun, and an experience for all of us to share. The dogs were good and enjoyed the new surroundings. This is my favourite pic of all of us.
So the takeaway is that our family life will always be busy and never time to do these type of activities.....take the time and make it happen.  I am so glad I insisted and did not give up this opportunity. It would have been much easier to cancel. This photo shoot was priceless and we look back and fondly remember the great time we all had.


  1. Best of luck, very well written.

    1. Thank You Katerina ! Appreciate your note, hoping I can make a difference !
