Nothing makes me more proud than to be able to give the gift of life.
What started as an idea, from a little boy, has taken off to a non profit organization. An entire team of talented, passionate and driven volunteers inspiring the community, working together toward a common vision. Wow, who would have ever thought that was possible.
What has been incredible to see is the individual commitment each person makes to work as a team. Everyone working together to accomplish so much. Trusting one another to make it happen, coming together to create a beautiful story, one that gives the gift of life to so many wonderful people.
Each member brings their strength, and their can do attitude to make a difference. All have a shared understanding of the importance of giving.
There is a great quote by Maya Angelou......."I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel "
Each time you make someone feel special, appreciated and respected, they will not forget.
Pink in the City does just that. Takes great pride in what they do, makes others proud, inspired and a desire to be the best you can be.
After many months of preparation this past year, it is truly gratifying when it all comes together, all the hard work, all the challenges, all the sleepless nights, the countless hours of follow-up. Our greatest reward is to give back to something we have identified that is truly important to us. Over 200 sponsors, countless volunteers and supporters are by our side to make it all possible for us.
We are grateful.
In the last 9 years, we have raised over 200,000$. Every year, host various events throughout the year to raise awareness through Model the way program and activities. We have many key accomplishments and lots to be proud, lots to be grateful. Join us May 1, celebrate with us for our our biggest event of the !
You drive us and give us strength to do what we do for so many.......Thank You Pink in the City for taking this little idea and embracing it with everything you got ! Thanks to all of our volunteers and supporters, this would not be possible - Pink in the City exists because of all the special people that makes it a success - join us to celebrate our survivors and honour all those we love !
I will leave you with this special note from a very dear friend....
"Just for you"
"Where to begin ? I first met Denise in 1976 and she offered me her friendship instantly. Not long
after, Bobby became my friend as well. It was evident from day one that I had become friends
with two very extraordinary people. They have always had great Team Spirit and ben generous
and giving. We have watched each other mature and have families of our own, sometimes from
more of a distance than I would have preferred, but I could always count on that Christmas or birthday card from my dear friends, the Vourtzoumis family. When I first heard about Lawrence
participating in the Shave to Save Program, and then the friendly competition between the brothers, I was not surprised. There could not be any doubt that these two wonderful people would instil their high morals and values to their children. And if that was not enough, they created Pink in the City. Giving their time and support, and that of other family members and friends, for this very worthwhile cause. They continue to raise much needed funds through various fundraisers and activities. How they managed to do this while maintaining busy careers and a happy home, is beyond me.
I do know that, for this and so much more, I am exceedingly grateful. Not only to call them my lifelong friends, but also because I am a 13year Breast Cancer Survivor and without good, no....AWESOME people like the Vourtzoumis Family, that statement might not be possible.
Thank You for all you have done to raise funds and awareness and most of all, thank you Denise for welcoming me into your circle all those years ago at BBHS"
Dawna Tolbart,
Lasalle, Quebec
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