Tuesday, 11 November 2014

We remember...

Every year, we are reminded of those brave souls who lost their life fighting. And every year when I spot the first poppy, I cannot help but be reminded of what an inspiration they were to us and continue to be.

Every picture, every activity, every rememberance day image is a celebration of their life and their contributions.

As a young girl scout, I remember participating at rememberance day memorials, and remember fondly the poems and drawings we hang in our class, and all the activities that were planned each year to honor our heroes. Everyone wore their poppies and remembered. To this day,  I am inspired by these individuals who sacrificed their lives.  We are reminded on November 11 to pay tribute to them for all that they did for their country.

Although there was no book written on what they had to do, they knew in their hearts what they had to do....so when I see that poppy, I am reminded over and over of what they stood for and how much of an inspiration they were and continue to be to all of us. They were and always be remembered for.....

  • rising above and taking action for what they believed

  • living by their values

  • caring and acting with compassion

  • sacrificing their life

  • inspiring others

So today we remember all our heroes with great honor. We thank them for their actions,  and we are proud. Should you be lucky enough to know of a veteran that is still with us - make the time to sit and talk with them. It will be an unforgettable experience for them to share their story and a greater experience for you  - you will be inspired ! !  On this day, we remember.  Wear your poppy proudly, lest we forget.... 


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