Thursday, 25 September 2014

Special people in a room....

Ever come across someone that is really special and you are just drawn to them ??
What makes them special, what is it about them that you just want to get to know more about ?

For starters, when you do come across someone you value and appreciate, let them know how you feel about them - letting them know not only makes them feel great about themselves, it has a wonderful effect if it is sincere.  Compliments are a great way to motivate people and quite honestly, everyone loves to receive one.  You can really make someone feel special with words...and you should at every opportunity !

So when you are connecting with people, what qualities stand out for you ? what influences you and what qualities do you consider to be of interest ??
 I am sure for all of us, different things draw us to different people, and that is quite alright....then you think some more and realize.....well if I am looking for these things in other I also exercising the same special qualities ???  I am sure you are and you just don't know here are my favorite ones that just inspire the life out of me........(i am hoping just about now - you are thinking about your list as well ).....enjoy !

1.  Genuine and sincere

When I am in someone's company, you really get a sense of their personality, how do they react to your needs, feelings and interests ??  There is nothing more sincere then showing genuine concern and you get that right from the get go from indivduals - if it is truly genuine ! Being considerate of others, understanding and supporting them in their efforts and challenges....something really special about that. Building trust and being honest goes hand in hand with coming across genuine, and making someone feel comfortable - they get what they see and others will quickly be responsive to you as a truly genuine's all about being authentic ! 

2.  Energy

Positive energy not only attracts positive people, it just draws them to you....has a tremendous effect on those in the same room with you....they want to be with you, they want to know about you, they want to be just like you.....your positive energy impacts others in ways you have no idea.....your positive energy inspires, motivates  and gets you through the worst of days.  I love being around people who have this effect on me and thrive from their positive attitude and energy.  Things don't always go as we would like, but when you take on a positive outlook, you are able to get through successfully and bring about the result you were looking for....if you are excited, others will be excited, if you are interested, others will be interested.....when you walk into that room, you want to bring that energy that will attract others just like you in your network of people ! 

3.  Passionate

Do you have that sparkle ?? How do you know ??  I am sure, you can walk into any room and you could probably pick out the passionate comes from within, and if you are passionate, you are truly motivated about what you do, there is no doubt about that - your level of enthusiasm and level of committment can be an incredible inspiration for have to not only say, but you need to believe that....and if you believe are quite the inspiration !  You need to be the model on what you love to see from cannot expect something you cannot deliver.  Passionate individuals drive their teams, their families, their communities, their friends, their networks to successful destinations you never thought would be possible......nothing more rewarding to accomplish than what you set out to do......I really believe you cannot teach someone to be motivated, but you sure can get them excited about goals and dreams !

4.  Driven

I don't know about you, but I have this zest for life and enjoy what I whatever area or role you have -  you have to be really happy, and you have to be a go getter.  The beautiful thing about this is that you get others around you to join in - it's really contagious....there is nothing better than to have a great team around you and people you want to be and work with to plan and aim for the results you are looking for.  This can apply to the workplace, a voluntary organization and or any area of your life . If you are determined with a plan - you have the ability to take your purpose and make it meaningful to others. You are capable of bringing talented and motivated individuals together.... Your personality is one that people just love....who would not want to be around someone that is inspiring , motivating and has the ability to reach great heights of success !

 5.  Nurturing

We need to believe in others and what they are competent of....sometimes, they don't even know what they can do.....when you have that gift that you can see beyond what they can see - it is incredible.  We have gems amongst us and sometimes...all it takes is to invest some time in those that you believe in, help them find their way to greatness,  share what you see with them and what they don't see.  This exercise must be for me the greatest reward to see others personally succeed - and you can easily make that happen.  Believe in someone, guide them, & mentor them.  If you can recognize the importance of investing precious time and energy in others - they will grow and advance. They will find their success and become more than what they ever dreamed of !!!  You are an even bigger success in my eyes when you are happy of their successes - you are truly remarkable. Nothing better than to celebrate with those that are deserving !

Very special individuals come in different shapes and sizes, genders and cultures, but they all possess many of the same qualities I have highlighted....what are your favorite ones and who will you be reaching out to the next time you are in a room !!!


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