Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Reconnecting with family...

The most beautiful experience is to reconnect with family you have never met.  In 2007, I was fortunate enough to meet my younger brother. Although I had never met him before, from the day he was born I would receive letters and pictures of him.  Back then, there was no  email, just good old fashion letter writing.  My parents had divorced when I was 11.  My father had moved away to BC and had remarried.  I was fortunate enough to get regular updates about Tasy and kept in contact, so as an only child, I was super excited to have a brother.
Up until Tasy was old enough to send his own letters and pics, I would receive them from his mom.
She really wanted for him to get to know me. Once he was old enough, we started to call each other and talk on the phone, send each other birthday notes and christmas cards.  I was super excited that I now had a brother I can connect with.  Although we had 20 year difference, that did not really matter.  We had become really close.  So close, that when Tasy and Jackie were having their 2nd baby, we were on the phone and he happened to mention that baby was coming soon and if it was a girl, her name would be sophia.  I immediately told him, that if it was a girl, and baby was a Sophia, we would baptize her !  Not long after, we got a message, announcing that we were the proud godparents !  We were ecstatic !

A year later, Tasy and Jackie came down to visit with the girls for the first time.  It was the first time that we were all going to meet each other.  I have to admit, we were all nervous somewhat....but not for long.  It was love at first sight and we all hit it off beautifully.  It was the best 2 weeks we all had.
During that time, we also planned a baptism ceremony and a dinner inviting all of our family and friends to share in this joyous occasion.  The boys were the godparents and could not be more proud.

We did not want for the 2 weeks to pass quickly.  We had so much to catch up an enjoyed each day to the fullest.  We knew that moving forward we had to stay connected.  Meeting Tasy, Jackie and the girls for the first time was absolutely heartwarming.  We realized that we had to talk often and keep in touch.  Thank goodness for social media - we were able to fulfill this part.

When it was time for Phil and Evie to get married in Penticton, we were so happy to learn that they would be there by our side.  Tasia was one of the junior bridesmaid's.  It was just awesome for all of us to be together for this family wedding.  Truly was an incredible experience and one that I will cherish forever.

So, a few things that stand out for me.....it is clear that even at a distance and not knowing each other, you can really become close and create a fun and loving relationship.  So much so, that when I was celebrating a milestone birthday, Tasy came down to Montreal to surprise me for a few days. It was very memorable for me as we spent the day together pampering ourselves.  What better way to spend your birthday and what made it even more special.....this was the first time we were celebrating a birthday together....after 30 years for the first time !  We may live miles and miles away, but when we are together, we make it count !

I am extremely proud of Tasy and Jackie for being such remarkable parents. They work really hard and ensure that the girls are well taken care of and part of every activity possible !  They are a beautiful example of parenting at it's best and the girls are just simply precious !  Love you...

1st picture I received of Tasy

Meet for the first time  2007

We all meet together for the first time  with Dad ! 2007

Phil & Evie's wedding in Penticton 2013


  1. So beautiful Denise. What still suprises me is how alike you and Tasy are having not grown up together. So cool to read your perspective on our first meeting :). Thank you for such kind words about our parenting it truly means a lot coming from one of the people I admire and look to as an example of great mothering. I look forward to many more gatherings. I am so happy we are family and my children will grow up knowing all the love that goes with being a part of that. ��

  2. Thank You Jackie! Look forward to many wonderful memories together! Big Hugs...

  3. Thank You Jackie! Look forward to many wonderful memories together! Big Hugs...
