Friday, 20 June 2014

Make it top 8...

Life is what we make it...make it count !
As a woman, we have many roles to fulfill, but to be successful in any of them - we have to feel good about ourselves, and if we can do that, we can do all we put our mind on and more. Somehow we find that energy, that enthusiasm and the drive to tackle whatever comes our way.  I am not saying that everyday will be perfect, but with the right attitude and confidence - we can handle what comes our way and each day can be a happy one.   Here are my top 8 ...
* Feel happy about your life and what you are doing.  The happier you are,
the more positive you will look at things and be. Your outlook will generate
a positive and optimistic energy - one that attracts other happy people and one
that drives you to accomplish more in life - whatever you decide that to be.

*Have dreams and don't limit yourself. Everything starts with a dream
and once you do, set your goals. The only person that can stop you
from acheiving your goals is you - so take the drivers seat and make it happen.
Sometimes you might find obstacles, find ways to get past them and focus on the goals.
*Get out of your comfort zone and explore new things. You will be amazed
how competent you are at doing the unthinkable. Don't always do what you know,
do what you think you can't. This will get you to try new things, keep you motivated
and achieve new goals you set for yourself. What is the worst thing that can happen,
just go ahead and try.
*Embrace mistakes and learn from them. The sooner you realize that making mistakes
is one way to make us stronger, the sooner we will improve our life. Everyone makes
mistakes, and what is important is for us to realize is don't be afraid of not making them,
instead learn and don't repeat the mistake.
*You are the only person that makes you feel the way you do.
Focus your energy on efforts to get you closer to your goals.
Care less about what people say and you will stay strong. Let bad comments
fall into deaf ears. If anyone is talking bad about you, they really are not the people you want to
have in your life. 

*Handle one thing at a time, be ready and willing with open arms.
If things get in our way, get to the root of it, stay positive and handle.
We will face difficulties from time to time - don't let that hold you back from
your quest to achieve your dreams and asipirations. Success should be your ultimate goal, 

setbacks and frustrations will be part of the journey, be accepting of them.
*Read inspirational books and material.
Be open to try new things that will give you new energy and excitement
about life. Spend  some time reading motivational books and
stories . There is always a takeaway and we could learn so much from someone else. We have 

many things we want to do, and sometimes life happens and takes us longer to finish what we started. Whatever you do, just make sure you finish what you started. This will not only be a great feeling, you will have accomplished what you set out to do.

*Appreciate and celebrate

Nothing pleases me more than to spend time with those I care about.
Take the time to appreciate what you have, be thankful and grateful.
When you set goals and achieve, make sure you also celebrate. You have worked hard to get there,
Appreciate every moment and learn from your journey. Every experience builds who you are.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

3 things my dog taught me...

I thought this would be a good time to share with you my love for especially that captured my heart. 

As an owner of boxers, you can spot them from far away....on the Pelion Mountains, on a cliff and looking down in the area where we were going to walk down to, I was busy taking photos (surprise) of the breathtaking picturesque in a part of Greece we were visiting, I noticed a boxer, I was almost sure it was and said to my husband that I think that dog is a boxer, he replied " every dog you see is a boxer to you "  I was really sure it was.  As we got closer, there she was, a beautiful boxer.  I wish I had my dogs with me....that is the part when travelling I don't particularly like, so seeing this boxer reminded me how much I missed my boxers. 

Most recently, after 11 years, the one that captured my heart passed on. It was the most difficult experience anyone can have  and anyone that has gone through this will agree. No words can console.

I was not always a dog lover, quite honestly, I did not grow up with dogs, infact, i was scared of them.I have to thank my kids who were insistent for a few years.  One morning, I even found a written composition on why we should have a dog in my briefcase when I got to work.  When we decided to get our first dog, I was not sure at all how we were going to get along.  After the first year, my feelings for dogs went completely 360 the other way.  I was a converted dog lover.  I loved Ice, he was special.  I never thought dogs can have this effect on anyone, they proved me wrong. A year later, my son asked, how I felt about Ice.  I think you know my answer.

Our dog Ice made me see life differently, and made me enjoy each day like never before.  Once I became so attached, i often thought, how would I ever be able to handle him not being there ?  Instead, I would treasure our walks, I would love cuddling with him and I knew our time would be limited and made the best of this time.  He comforted me when I lost my mom and when I looked into his eyes, his eyes said it all, we understood each other and always made me feel safe.

As a puppy, we had an adventure every day and I look back glad that I had the opportunity to experience it with him.  Ice was so loving, that when he was 5, I was ready for our next boxer....Angel.  He showed her the way and kept her too ! The best times would be when all five of us and the 2 dogs would all be in bed together.....that was special....and remember Ice, he weighed 85lbs and took up alot of space ! He just cuddled where ever he found a spot and thought he was a little dog. That was funny.  We had so many many great times and stories.

Last year in October, our dog Ice was having seizures, it was not good.  By the end of the same month, he was having difficulty walking with his back legs.  Not long after, he was not able to walk without support. We got him wheels to help him.  He was a big part of the family and we were not going to let him down.  The first few weeks, he had to learn all over again how to walk and he learned quickly how to let us know when he needed something.  It was like having an elderly parent that needed constant care....every day for five months I did my best to keep him comfortable.  During this time, we got a young puppy to lighten the mood and keep our other boxer Angel entertained. They all got along beautifully.  As time went on, I was slowly coming to the realization that our sweet Ice would not be with us forever. So each day was a gift and enjoyed every minute we had with him. 

Three of the things from my long list that my dog taught me was to love unconditionally, stretch out each day and make it count, be open to new experiences.  Ice is always with us and has made an incredible impact on me and my family.  It has been just over 3 months he has gone to doggie heaven, and not one day goes by that we don't think about him.  He has taught us big lessons and will forever be grateful.  So to all dog lovers....yes, it is alot of work, but in the end, they are just part of the family and considered as a family member.  When you think of it that way - they really are no trouble at all.  To all the moms out there that would love to get a will not regret it ! Ice was our biggest joy !  I will never forget our last 5 months....truth is I do miss him, and will always miss him !  
Boxer spotted down below on Pelion mountain.

Ina, a friendly greek boxer!
Angel, Ice, and our newest addition Whisky!
Our fighter! 

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Starting off...

In 1984 when I first started my job at Federal Express (at the time) - now Fedex Canada, I did not know that the overnight shipping business I started with would be the global powerhouse it is today!
Fedex has always been committed to being a great place to work, thoughtful of the environment and caring in the communities all around the globe.  I cannot be more proud to be part of an organization that has been recognized a leader in the transportation industry and a key player around the globe.

I started in data entry, back then, there was no technology and all delivery records had to be manually entered.  Not long after I was handling all customer service responsibilities.  This was an exciting time as the company was just starting to grow and I was part of it.  When the time came and there was an opening for a customer service/courier manager position - I was encouraged to apply.  I had just returned from my second maternity leave in 1989.  At the time, my mentor had made sure to identify my strengths and counselled me that I was growing professionally and would be suited for this position.  Now, you need to keep in mind, that I had no idea about the Courier part as I had no experience, however, my leadership capabilities, motivating and inspiring others had come through - lucky for me, my mentor was there for me and helped me through this time to make some decisions.

I was energetic, driven and enthusiastic to take on this new role.  As a young mom of 2,  I don't know where I found that energy, but I did. I loved the challenge, I loved my job and I was devoted to be successful, not only in that position, but every position I took on.  When I look back, some of the important attributes that I had and were key were :  self-motivated, flexible, dependable, trustworthy, pro-active, optimistic, creative, inspiring, organized, honest and loyal.  I knew I wanted to grow up in this amazing company.  I must say that it was a lot of juggling for me - having a young baby and a 3 year old, especially since my schedule as a Courier Manager required sort duty and all the courier related responsibilities, I was not going to let my mom responsibilities get in the way - so I had to be very creative and balance both, which I did.  I also have to mention that my husband was a huge support for me during this time with our young children. It made it so much easier.

It was great that my mentor was able to provide me with input that was invaluable for my career and business success.  We need this honest and critical feedback.  I was able to take on a team, take charge and inspire others to be their best.  At the same time, I was able to balance motherhood and career.  Sometimes, I feel that both have so much in common.   If you think about it....we are role models in our work lives just as much as we are in our personal lives.

I am extremely proud to be part of such a dynamic team with diverse backgrounds, talent and perspectives. Proud to be part of delivering what matters most to our customers, communities and teams all across. Fedex has always been committed to make every Fedex experience outstanding, champion new ways of doing business and raise the bar every single day.  Fedex has always been passionate about leading the industry and exceeding expectations.  I can safely say that I have been successful at both career and family and share the same values and beliefs with a company that I love.

My development and success both in my career and personal life has been the most rewarding part
for me as a mom as I have been able to master both. So to all the moms out can do whatever you put your mind to !

1985 Baby shower at Federal Express !

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Fond memories

As a working mom, always had lots to juggle - your job, your family, kids activities, doctors appts, family obligations, planning holiday vacations, and the list goes on and on.
Sometimes we need to disconnect, no phones, no laptops ( I am a big abuser of the laptop) and just take in the beauty all around us. How many of us can say we can do that successfully ?
I have disciplined myself more and more to do just that. As much as possible, i try to run shopping errands on the way home after work, so that on the weekends, if i choose to stay in pj's i will.
My mom could never understand why our lives could be so busy. She could not understand why we could not sit still and enjoy time off when not working. Raising boys, and each one playing hockey in the winter, soccer in the summer, throw in practices and games, you were pretty much running between arena's. Add a husband in the restaurant business to the mix and you were a full time chauffeur and managing a meal in between, especialy if you love to cook - problem though, it was always rushed. I know I am not the only mom experiencing this craziness and we all do it gladly and without any regrets. It just makes me wonder, how very different it was when we were growing up. Our parents did not run a fast paced life like we all do now, there are much more activities our kids are enrolled in and every day is booked. What happened to the good old days where it was pure bliss to just enjoy some quiet time ?? it seems there was alot more quiet time. So, with this in mind, if I could leave blanks in our schedule - I did, and really got to appreciate when we had nothing planned...and sometimes, we just need to say no....but how often do we do that ??

I remember, my parents as a young little girl always arranged for a family vacation with me. We would drive to hyannis or boston, and spend lots of quiet time just chilling. Imagine, back then - it was all about spending time with each internet, no worrying about wifi and no different things were.  What i do remember though is that the time i was growing up, I enjoyed my time with my parents...they went out of their way to make these holidays special...and believe it or not....i remember these times fondly....i loved my time on the beach, playing in the sand, building sand castles and just simply enjoying cuddling with my mommy.  That was many years ago.....but I am so glad that I have these fond that my mom is just validates to me that spending lazy afternoons, time together and family vacations together even more important to me.  I really believe that the traditions we create will have fond memories for those we care and love.  I love traditions and in my own family have created many that I am quite happy with.  A tradition can be whatever you want it to be.....sometimes when we talk about family holidays, bobby and I reminise about our holiday family vacations....we miss them and I often tell him, when our kids have their own kids we will just have to have family holidays to include all....that would be pure bliss..we are not there yet !

Family vacations are memories to treasure and some of my fondest memories, both for the kids and the parents.  I treasure all of my younger days with both my dad and mom.  We don't have as many photos as we do now, but the ones we do....we treasure !
1966  Boston....spending time on the beach with mom cuddling